Why 'Sol Studio'? The Reason Behind The Name

Some people may argue that naming a business is one of the hardest parts about starting a business. For me, it was meant to be. Only weeks after deciding to take the plunge into entrepreneurship, I conceptualized the branding and name of my dream business. And I’ve gotten the occasional question of “why Sol Studio?”, so I thought why not blog about it.

Let’s start out with what the heck is a sol. Sol translates to “sun” in Spanish. When I was thinking of a name for my business, I thought about what reminded me of me (which is harder than it sounds). So the first things that came to mind were yellow, happiness, brightness, and sunshine. As a born and raised Florida girl, I love the sun. The suns up? I’m up. There’s a sunspot in the yoga studio? My mat is there. There’s a window in my favorite coffee shop? You can bet that I’m fighting for a spot with the sunniest window.

Beyond the fact that I really love the sunshine, I wanted my business to shine. I wanted Sol Studio to have a bright and happy company culture that translated to how I worked with clients. I wanted my goal to always be to help my clients shine and to have their passions come through online.

When it comes to why I chose a Spanish word as a part of my business name stems down to one of the reasons I started my business - travel. I knew at the time I started my business, my first long-term trip abroad would be to a Spanish speaking country. Ever since starting Sol Studio, my ultimate goal has been to move to Spain which is coming to fruition in 2019.

So first came the sol, and then came the studio. Studio was for all the services I wanted to offer. From content creation to social media marketing, Sol Studio is a creative studio with the strategy behind it.

Sol Studio was born with the sun rays on the logo and my signature branded yellow.

If you’re reading this, thank you for investing your time and energy in supporting my dream in some way or another. Thank you for supporting (and loving) Sol Studio as much as I do!


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