8 Social Media Habits To Make (And Stick To)

A new year is upon us, so I know we’ve all been breaking out our resolutions and goals for 2019. So while you’re thinking of your business goals for this new year, I wanted to inspire you by sharing some social media habits that will take your social media strategy to the next level. Choose one or all of these good habits to help you stay on track this new year and slay online.

Plan A Head.

Say goodbye to procrastination in 2019. Use a tool like Airtable to plan your digital content ahead of time. If you still feel behind, I suggest taking a day to create content in bulk. Whether it’s hiring a photographer, editing old photos to repurpose, or writing our captions in your content calendar, this will ensure you’re ahead and will make staying ahead throughout the year a breeze. This also includes planning all of your marketing campaigns and launches at least 90 days before they happen.

Consistency Use Good Tools.

Posting without a scheduler is soooooo 2017. Tackle the new year with tools like Later, Planoly, Buffer and more. If you need a recommendation on my favorite tools, be sure to our favorites. The ability to automate your social media strategy ensures you save hours each week manually posting and stay ahead of your content.

Take breaks often.

I encourage you to pencil is self-care days from your business and off the online world. Even if you’re just taking an actual digital vacation or just a day off every other weekend, this resolution will help you prioritize self-care. One of my favorite ways to do this during a busy workday is by putting my phone on Airplane mode. You’d be surprised how refreshing a mini break can be!

Quit the mindless scroll.

I’m fighting the good fight with you on this bad habit, but I promise it can be done. I wrote a blog all about being intentional on social media and these tips are sure to help you make the best of your time on your accounts. Setting timers and using the downtime feature on my iPhone is how I’ll be scrolling less this year.

Post on stories daily (excluding the weekly).

I attribute my Instagram growth primarily to how active I am on Instagram stories. I try to post 3 times each work day and challenge you to do the same. Instagram stories is the most important strategy going into 2019 because of the authenticity, engagement, and personal aspects it has. And if you’re thinking “but no one even watches my stories”, the algorithm will favor frequent posters and show your stories to more viewers.

Stick to a consistent feed by using your filters and graphics.

Keep your feed aesthetic simple and cohesive by using an app like VSCO or Lightroom Presets. This streamlines the photo editing process so you won’t ever have the excuse of not having time to edit photos. Using templates on Canva for graphics and batch editing photos makes keeping a cohesive feed easy this year.

Book shoots with a photographer to step up your content.

Treat yourself to a shoot in 2019 because you (and your grid) deserve it. There’s nothing that will make you feel more confident and help you show up better than great content. If it’s your first time shooting with a photographer, book a comprehensive shoot to ensure you’re getting a variety of lifestyle shots, flatlays, and more. This is an easy hack for planning ahead and keeping my feed cohesive. Woo-hoo for incorporating 3 habits in one!

Check your analytics weekly

Not so fun, but super important to an effective Instagram strategy. The insights I always check weekly include stories insights, insights for content that went out that week, and my audience insights for days to post. This ensures you’re in the loop on what worked, what didn’t work, and your audience demographics.

Which habit will you be incorporating into your year? Let me know in the comments.


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